How Concrete Scanning Can Save You Time and Money on Your Next Construction Project
Imagine you're working on a building job and unexpectedly run into something hard underneath the concrete. It might be a post-tension cable, a utility line, or even worse, rebar. You know this is going to cost you time and money, and you're left wondering if there was a way to avoid this issue altogether. That is why you should consider concrete scanning for your next construction job, a non-destructive testing technique that can help you save time and money. In this blog post, we'll go over how concrete scanning can help you in avoiding costly errors and delays in your construction projects. Avoiding Costly Mistakes: One of the most significant benefits of concrete scanning is that it can help you avoid costly mistakes during construction. By detecting and locating embedded objects in concrete structures, you can prevent damage to these objects and avoid costly repairs or delays. For example, hitting a post-tension cable during construction can cause significant damage...