Is it necessary to follow core drilling safety measures?
Creating clean and precise holes to pass wires and pipes in the concrete is not rocket science but a complete skill. Concrete Drilling operations include extracting the cylindrical material from concrete slab or wall. But can anyone handle the core drill or provide clean holes? The answer is no! Only a core drilling professional can operate the drill, assuring the safety of life and property. But what are the safety concerns of the drilling process? Let us read this article to know more. Potential Risks Associated with Core Drilling Respiratory Disease: Core drilling generates dust, which may contain harmful particles such as silica. Inhaling these particles causes respiratory diseases, including silicosis, lung cancer, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Skin Allergies: Exposure to the dust mentioned in the last point can also cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Day-to-day contact with concrete or bricks used in the process can cause dermatitis ...